Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Lost This Post. Didn't I?

I just found this post in my draft folder. I don't know why it never made it to the blog. Or did it? Can one of you let me know?  It's really sad to be over 40 and not know what you've done anymore.
But I'm glad I found this post because around about this time of year, homeschoolers start to wane in their resolve.  Reading this gave me a boost.
Some sort of knowledge is making into their wee little noggins.

This was originally dated August 24th, 2009:

Here are some questions the kids ask as we sit around the table after we've started school for the year:

What's the biggest state?
What does a botanist do?
What does an astrobiologist do?
What's the difference between mass and weight?
Whose coastline is bigger, Main or California?
Dad, do you know what binomial nomenclature means?

This is just a small stretch from our summer time questions:

Can I have an iPod touch for my birthday?
Why can't we go see a movie?
What's for dessert?
Can I make chocolate milk?
When can we go to Grandma's?
Can I have an iPod Touch for Christmas?

I'm not sure which set of questions is harder to answer.


Cherie said...

I don't recall seeing this one before. But after 60, I don't recall a LOT of things. :)