Friday, January 22, 2010

First Words at Lunch Today

Lunch is on the stove, just about ready, and I'm sitting here typing as fast as can, whatever they say.   You can't make this stuff up:

Dogs and cats have whiskers on their eyebrows--I wish I had that--Mom, what would it look like if you had NO eyebrows?--Mom, can I play Tony Hawk Ride?--Awwww!-- Ex,ex,ex,six--what are you saying?-- Ex,ex, six!-- Sawyer, look, go here, try to pretend like these are my eyes, and this is my mustache, try to do that--you do it! You do it!--Are you having fun?--Oh my gosh, MOM!! You have to come see Sawyer,he looks SO WEIRD, Sawyer do it again, it's so cool!!--this gun isn't working--you're turn--my turn--I'm not gonna do cross eyes--whoa--Wait, be mad, it's SO funny--I don't get it--Ahhhhhhh, crash, crash, I'm gonna crash, ahhhhhhhh--Low-oh-oh-oh-oh-HA!--I don't have a cold, I have a cough--He has big cheeks like this--Can they be just mine?--He can read the ones I finish--Who and what and when and why, is really weird--I'm gonna turn the light off!--One, two, three!!--DayDog, Daydoggin'--Do you know, it's never too far awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!"

It's a four kids household.  They have the last word:
"Mom, I'm SO hungry, when will lunch be ready?"

Better go tend.