Today something similar happened.
The kids and I visited the mall for a fun, free outing. It was a looking trip, not a shopping trip. We sat on a bench just outside the ice cream shop and we were all wishing we had enough money to afford Lara Secord ice cream. I felt a tap on my shoulder and a nice old lady said, "Excuse me, my sister was admiring your children, how well behaved they are." She gestured down the walkway and I could just make out another nice old lady waving at us. She continued, "She just wanted to give you this," and then she handed me a twenty dollar bill! We all gasped in excitement and thankfulness. We waved and blew kisses to the sister and exclaimed over what she'd done. We stopped and thanked God right then and there as the old lady walked away. And then we went right into that ice cream store and bought a round of cones.
I am always telling the kids that bible verse, "Obey your father and mother and it will go well with you."
This was a great living example of that verse.
We were all so excited to see such a tangible example of God's care for us.
We prayed that God would bless that little old lady.
"Here's to you!"
She'll never know how much it meant.
So cool! So cool!
That was directly from God's hand to you through a stranger- evidence of His love, and of His knowing all things, like how much you were wanting ice cream.
I'm crying.
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