Because these cabins have remained the same for 50 years, the prices are really low. The same people come back year after year on their reserved week. So you get to know the kids and it's easy to chum up and make friends. Here is Sawyer with his new friend Carly. He loved Carly. And she must have loved hearing: "Carly, come, Carly, do, Carly, see, Carly, go, Carly, why?", because she adopted him.

We got there just in time for three rainy days. When it wasn't drizzling, the kids had the run of the place and played Manhunt.
Isn't this sad? Modern technology. But, I know that most of the time they were either doing crafts, s'mores, some dice game that had them all chorusing "SEE-LOW!" when somebody won, or coloring. So this picture doesn't make me cringe like you'd expect.
Manhunt went like this. The rest of the kids would scatter like startled pigeons until the counters reached TWENTY! And then it was every man for himself. They played until dark. During an earlier episode Sawyer found the best hiding place....
On top of the roof. Excuse the unfocused picture. I was trembling in disbelief.
A time-out was called while a Sawyer rescue was performed.
Out on the lake, another rescue operation was at hand. This is me taking a picture of what I thought was a funny situation: Todd having tipped his kayak. Little did I know that his smile was not apropos to the gravity of the situation. He nearly drowned. It was a combination of a tippy kayak, chance, and a bad life jacket.
We meditated on our mortality after this.
Life goes on, and the day ended with a sparkler fest.
This is Greyson when he knows someone is watching him.
This is Greyson unaware of the camera for just a few seconds. I love those first uninhibited moments, you can't recreate that. They are my favorite ones to capture on film.
Just before it was time to load up and go for good, Sawyer went missing. "Sawyer, where are you?!"
"There's ducks, Mom. Ducks." Would he trade his family for a couple of ducks? Oh, the
economy of a 5-year-old.
We got them all loaded up and started the drive home. One last stop on the way.
He thought it was kinda cool.
WOW! What an amazing time! Where were these cabins and how did you come across them!!? So glad to hear you enjoyed some 'down' time (if that is possible with 4 kids!) I haven't seen you FOREVER! Miss you guys. ~A
My favorite part was hearing you laugh on the video.
Thank you, Lord, that Todd didn't drown.
I LOVE the last picture
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