Todd's brother Craig treated us to a cabin by the lake in New Hampshire, so we all drove down there last minute and joined them--- climbing up waterfalls.
We came.
We saw.
We climbed.
You know how you can be driving up a mountain road and keep catching glimpses of rushing water out the car window and you wish you could just be out there, in that stream? Well, we went out there. It was just what you thought it would be like. Cool, refreshing, adventurous, and just a little bit dangerous. Enough to give you a wilderness experience.
We followed the stream up.
Sometimes beside it....
Sometimes in it.
This is me, letting myself be photographed. Kind of like some wildlife that hasn't caught the scent of man soon enough to flee.
Sometimes it seemed like we were in a Mayan civilization.
This is waterfall number 7, I think. We just kept running into them. We didn't know what was coming, or when we'd be done.
We really didn't have a plan. The kids kept running ahead and we'd get there just in time to see what dangerous thing they were attempting. I exaggerate. Uncle Craig was pretty much on their tail to avert disaster. Pretty much.
Our own Swiss Family Robinson. I'm missing the ostrich, and the swinging vines.
Fritz! Ernst! Frannnnnnncis! Where's Roberta?
That was our hiking day. Back at the cabins much more was happening. Tomorrow I'll regale you with tails of near death experiences and feats of astounding proportions. Including sparklers. I know, it's so hard to wait.
so cool. the kids will remember the trip that they swam THROUGH a waterfall and slid down a natural waterslide forever!
also, the word i have to type is 'mompro'
Missy, you ARE the mompro!
What a fun, fun time. Our kids would just eat that up. It totally reminded me of Swiss Family, especially since we recently read it.
Glad you're o.k. I was starting to wonder if you were still sick - but no, you were climbing waterfalls.
llllllll, mompro. I wish you both could have been there. I knew you'd both like it, I actually thought of you both while I was posting it.
I wanna go to this place. It looks like so much fun. New Hampshire, eh?
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