They have a friend named Muffin. Kiki illustrated this card that made me laugh.

Muffin has a pet turtle, and they got her a stuffed Turtle as a gift.
On other fronts----

I keep my linens folded in the top of a closet.
On a high shelf.
It's inconvenient to shuffle them around until I find the right pillow case, but I guess the boys didn't have any trouble finding exactly what they wanted.
Where did they get this idea?
How did they find the king size pillow cases?
OH, it must have been when they were asking for extra sheets to build their fort.
I think every mother should have a set of old sheets and special place to store them so the kids can have at 'em.
Why didn't I think of this before? Before my laundry pile grew by a sheet set?
Kiki needs to submit that to Hallmark!
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