Nothing much happening here. Except we made biscuits for breakfast, and Sawyer wants a tattoo.
"What is THAT?"
"A tattoo."
"But you're not allowed to write on yourself, you know that."
(This must account for the guilty look and the hastily washed off look of the pen marks).
"Can YOU draw a tattoo on me? An eagle?" he asks longingly.
When did this penchant for tattoos begin? Was it a movie he saw? A biker he's befriended? Do we even KNOW anybody with tattoos?
"Right here, Mom, on my back. An eagle, going like this," he says, imitating wings.
An eagle? What happened to Bob the Builder? This is a mystery to me. I'm going to ask him where he saw it and why he wants it. Hold on a second.....I'll type you exactly what he says:
"Come here Sawyer I need to talk to you. Why do you want an eagle for a tattoo, where did you SEE an eagle?"
"Nowhere. I was finking of it."
"Why do you think it will look cool?"
"Because I saw it on, remember that movie, that fat guy had an eagle on his back? That's why I want it, that's what I did, that's what I fot (thought). Can I have a yogurt stick?"
"What movie?"
"There's this fat guy, the police, and he had two wheels and he was driving and it was called Cop Maid."
"Mall Cop?"
"Yeah. Mall Cop."
Mystery solved.
I need to rethink my system for evaluating which movies are Sawyer appropriate.
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