Our home school group met at the park again, for soccer. But she wore the wrong shoes.
Luckily, brother had his pair of running shoes in the van.
Wait. What is he wearing then?
Crocs, of course. Crocs for soccer. Sister talked him into trading the Crocs for his own running shoes so she could wear his Crocs. For soccer. Is anyone else bothered by this Crocs for soccer phenomena?
He said yes, of course. Because he's Greyson.
It wasn't too long before the shoes didn't matter because a dispute disrupted the game. The face of that boy in the foreground about sums it up.
Sawyer gave up altogether and doffed his jersey.
This is the universal whiney face. Why do they do this when they know it gets them nowhere? Keep this face in mind, it will come in handy later.
Greyson, what happened to the game? Where is everybody going?
Oh, over to the playground. This is better.
Enough see-saws for everybody. I've never seen them all used at once.
Then it was over to the monkey bars for a timed race. Who was going to be the fastest?
The big kids had a blast racing over and over again. But it left the littlest kids out because they weren't quite big enough to complete the full length of the monkey bars. It was hard for them. Oh, wait. There was ONE little kid who did it.....
See this face?
This-- I just did the monkey bars-- face?
It wasn't too long ago that it looked like this.
He has a whole kaleidoscope of faces available.
His attempt was captured on film. Not without the unexpected.
Love it!!!
Crocs are mean - they make you trip when you're least expecting it. Not good for soccer.
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