What a rest! What a peaceful, still, rest.
But I couldn't wait to see them again.
This is what it looks like when they come home.
And dump all their stuff by the door.
Oh, look! It's getting put away.
And stepped over.
Stepping over is a favorite technique around here.
But most people are busy getting it all sorted out and put to rights.
Like Tristan.
Oh, wait. You didn't even go anywhere. You stayed home.
Sip away. None of that stuff is even yours.
Where's Sawyer?
Oh, good job! You're getting your stuff put away!
What a diligent little worker. We can count on you!
There may be a boatload of stuff piled by the door, but Sawyer's gonna take care of his things...
Because we've taught him the value....
Of working hard.
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