Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do You Need to Breathe to Make Chocolate Cupcakes?

I was too sick to go to church, but I discovered I had enough energy to make these:

They are from a recipe by Pioneer Woman.  It called for ganache.   I am afraid of ganache because it sounds hard to make.  When I looked at the recipe it was super easy, easier than making chocolate frosting.  But Chocolate Frosting is a familiar term, something you'd talk about over the back fence with your neighbor--"so for the cake walk she won a sheet cake, with chocolate frosting".  But if you put the word ganache in there, at least when you're from Kansas, I think they'd just blink and ask you about fertilizer or something.

So the Pioneer Woman's recipe looked a lot better than these, but I like the chaos of these poor little cupcakes.  I'd choose the little guy tipped over sideways.

You're supposed to put in Hershey's Kisses, but I put in these little babies.  Mini Rolos. Three in each cupcake.  And for the record-- ganache should really be called: don't-be-afraid-to-make-this-it's-better-than-chocolate-frosting-when-you-want-something-dense-but-not-as-sweet.

And then, so the morning wouldn't be a total treat-fest, I started this chicken stock.  By the time the family came home from church, I had Chinese Chicken Salad from the meat off the bones in this pot, and the rest of it will cook for 24 hours.
This is in a pot made in China.
I hope I don't find out when I'm 87 that chicken stock cooked for 24 hours in a pot made in China causes Alzheimer's.
Does anyone else have thoughts like these?
Is anyone else afraid of ganache?

The Weird Arm Swinging Thing

A moment in the life of our household--
There are so many things to pass along to our children.  My sister taught me the weird arm swinging thing.  You might just be able to recognize it from this attempt by Tristan. Greyson walks in off-camera and has NO idea what's going on.  And then Sawyer has a try....

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Gift to You...

As a celebration of 2,001 hits for "What's Going On Here?" please accept this gift, given in love and deep appreciation for your support...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why I Feel Like a Kid When It Comes to the Government Here

Version A
Can Ethan come over to play?

listening to reason why this is not possible

 Can he come over after?

 listening to reason why this is not possible either

then hearing why it might be possible later

Imagining what it will be like when it finally happens

 Asking for more.
Finding out that "more" is a foreign concept.

Version B

Checking to see if our papers for permanent residency have been processed yet.

 Hearing they are still waiting for our medical records.

Telling them we sent those 6 months ago.
 Hearing that we have to go back to the clinic and have the records resent.

Hearing that half of the records have just been found.
 Imagining what it would be like if all of the records had just been found.
 Asking to be put in the Urgent Pile because our current permit expires soon.

Finding out there is no Urgent Pile.

This script is pretty standard for a whole lot of situations. Feel free to fill in your own. 
I'd be so tempted to throw in the towel if it weren't for
 Psalm 103:19

Or as Grandpa Charlie used to say,
"It'll all come out in the wash."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Mean Mom

Because I am a Mean Mom and make my kids eat things like fresh ground whole wheat flour that we mill ourselves, once in a while I make up for it by serving this for lunch:

To the uninitiated, "Timbits" are doughnut holes.
Canadians don't eat them for breakfast.
Or lunch.

But we do.
I think they are more of a dessert or snack item.  Officially.

But today, they are lunch.

Is that okay with you, Sawyer?

Looks okay with Tristan.

I'm not worried about the nutritional value, because I know later that I can go back to being a Mean Mom and giving them their cod liver oil.

Cod Liver Oil that has been fermented.  And flavored with licorice to improve the taste.
You think I jest...

The kids are quite familiar with it--
"Okay, kids. Doughnut break is over, line up for Cod Liver Oil..."

Full Circle

Turns out,  our skateboard park--

is also The Perfect Place to Build Things.

And it's keeping someone busy.

Very busy.

Designing a bench is not that hard.

But the execution is difficult because the nail going in the top, has to hit the leg being nailed on underneath.

At least that's what they tell me.

This whole project started yesterday with the announcement:
"Mom, I'm going to make a bench."

But before embarking on that journey the most important thing was to reveal who would be making it--

Not Tristan,

But  Hybrid Tristan.
Hey, I think I see the makings of a Superhero here.
Aren't all the comic book heroes designed by grown-ups? Doesn't that mean that there must be something about grown-ups that stays little-boy-working-in-the-garage?

Maybe that's where our most ingenious ideas have come from:
Sir Isaac Jr., Little Albert Einstein, Tommy Edison-- it was that little part of them that didn't yet know what was impossible.

Little boys workin' in the garage.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Order of Business...

Hey, guys.  What'cha doin'?

It's something pretty intense from the looks of things.

And it's the first thing that had to be done this morning.
Before you did anything else.  Like, comb your hair.

So it must be important.

What's more important than breakfast?
Or chores?
Or school?
Or playing?

Bad guys.

With laser eyes.

Yep.  Makes sense.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Coming Home...

A sweet friend offered to take all the kids over the weekend so I could recuperate and get some rest.
What a rest!  What a peaceful, still, rest.
But I couldn't wait to see them again.

This is what it looks like when they come home.

And dump all their stuff by the door.

Oh, look!  It's getting put away.

And stepped over.
Stepping over is a favorite technique around here.

But most people are busy getting it all sorted out and put to rights.

Like Tristan.

Oh, wait.  You didn't even go anywhere.  You stayed home.
Sip away.  None of that stuff is even yours.

Where's Sawyer?

Oh, good job!  You're getting your stuff put away!

What a diligent little worker.  We can count on you!
There may be a boatload of stuff piled by the door, but Sawyer's gonna take care of his things...

Because we've taught him the value....

Of working hard.