Sunday, March 15, 2009

What You See and What You Don't See....

I've always wanted to be the kind of mom that had hot cocoa and homemade cookies waiting for her kids when they came in from the snow. Isn't this inspiring?
Let's zoom out and see what the bigger picture is.....

Ah, reality. The odd assortment of papers, rulers, and pencils from school, unidenitfiable lists, and lunch still on the table from an hour ago. All you've got to do is zoom out, and things get real, real fast.
It's SO far from a Leave it to Beaver household. But I dream about it.

And what's up with Greyson?


Betsy said...

If only I had had a mother like you, Missy.

You inspire me!

Missy said...

Awww. That might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said on here!
And I wish I had your sunny, smiling, singing, soul to share with my household, Betsy.