Isn't this a cool shot? I think it took itself when I hit the button with the camera at my waist. I saw him cutting bananas and walked toward him to compose this shot:
This shot hides the ugly trashcan we keep in the middle of the kitchen for convenience sake. This shot captures his intensity and purpose which attracted me in the first place. And it doesn't showcase the lovely fingerprinted and scuffed back of our chair:
Like this shot. But somehow I like the reality in this shot better, even if it's an embarrassing reality. And speaking of embarrassing, I'll let you see the smudged sliding glass door...
Because there's a Daisy pining away behind it out on the snow. Kiki is visiting a friend today, and Daisy is forlorn. I let her out to play and she just sunk down with an eternal sigh.
Stay tuned for a bright, shining, de-fingerprinted house in the spring---or summer---whenever school is out and we can scrub corners.
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