This looks good. It looks really good. But it only tastes so/so which makes me feel betrayed. Betrayed by homemade strawberry shortcake. After all that slicing and marinating, and mixing, and scooping, and whipping, and baking, to take the first bite and think...this is--okay. Can you feel the betrayal? sniff-sniff

This, however, looks...how-shall-we-say....kiwi yogurt-ish? Which is exactly what it is.
Fresh kiwi yogurt, by Sawyer. Are you gonna try it? I'm not gonna try it...

He likes it! Hey, Sawyer!
What a shame...the shortcake looks SO GOOD! Where did you find such yummy looking strawberries this time of year?
For a woman, after she's spent hours on a recipe, for it to only turn out so/so...
very disappointing indeed!!
"Let's get SAWYER." "YEAH!!" "HE won't eat it; HE hates EVERYTHING."
(That is dialogue my mind inserted between "I'm not gonna try it" and "He likes it. Hey, SAWYER!")
uvilli: defect involving the growth of hair-like appendages on the uvula.
Thanks for that, because it's what I was going for and I just couldn't remember the dialogue from that Life commerical.
Canada usually trades in grade B fruit, but somehow I'm getting good strawberries while y'all can't? That's amazing!
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