"Mom, do you like my hair this way?"
uhhhhhhhhhh--- "Why?" thinking fast "You don't want it to be curly?"
"No, I hate my curls."
Poor Tristan. There's just no getting away from the curls God gave him (I prayed for him to have those curls!). It seems like while we were standing there talking this happened....
He'd unwittingly given himself a curl fringe.
They just won't leave him alone.
So the curls are YOUR fault. Does Tristan know?
Some day he'll be happy to have those curls. I think guys with curly hair are less likely to be bald. (My hubby knows)
My word is Misty, which reminded me of one of my favorite movies, "Play Misty for Me", an old Clint Eastwood film.
lllllllll, that's funny, you're right they ARE my fault! And I tell him I prayed for a blonde,curly haired, blue-eyed boy all the time, I wonder if he's made the connection?
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