My kids take Karate. This is part of what they do.
After the class is over, after, mind you.
It's actually a very serious class, led by an 8th dan. If you don't know what that means, neither do I, except I think it's on par with saying they are taking etiquette lessons with Martha Stewart, ballet lessons with Mikhail Baryshnikov, or violin lessons with Itzhak Perlman.
The only reason we knew about this Karate class was because of Konstantin who is the head of the class, and our good friend.
It takes good networking to find an 8th dan, especially when you don't even know they exist.
Is there a 9th dan?
The rank goes up to 10th dan. But I've heard they are few and far between. They tell me he had to go to Switzerland to get the 8th dan title and it's the only one in Canada.
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