Who's trying to iceskate in the back yard?
Oh! It's a Sawyer! (just ignore the super-soaker squirt gun in the background. I promise it hasn't been there since the summer).
Show us, Sawyer, show us!
Whew, it's a good thing that tire was there to catch your fall. wait, Why is there a tire in the back yard? (I promise we are not the kind of people who keep tires in our yard. Or rusting hulks of Chevys. At least not the full-size ones. Maybe a Hotwheel here and there.)
Watch out Sawyer, Daisy's going to knock you down!
Tristan can finish the job.
Still standing, and in one piece.
Flat on his back, but unharmed.
And holding still enough for a good shot.
Do I see a future hockey player?
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