Two exciting things happened today. Tristan had Ethan over and together they got the fort up and running, with a tunnel. Oh snowplow man, are we tempting you to come and clear our driveway?
The second exciting thing was what Sawyer found:
"Mom, Mom, LOOK. We can go see Hunter now! I found this money, downstairs in the box. Can we, can we go see him, Mom?"
I didn't have the heart to tell him it would take about 1,000 of those.
On a side note, feel free to gawk at the unsightly pile of jumbled skates there in the background. They greet you as you come in the garage door. This photograph is unretouched and that's the real story.
disclaimer: teaching children to pick up their things is important. I highly recommend it.
The disclaimer brought a chuckle. :)
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