Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's Melting....

What are you doing out here, Kiki?

Who are you taking for a walk?

What is that?

Oh. It's Coconut.

Pipe down, Daisy. Get your tongue back in your mouth and go play with Scooter.

Scooter loves the snow...

He and Daisy have an understanding.


H said...

That's so cool!

4HMom said...

I love the names of the bunnies. Did Kiki make the decisions about all the names?

I have no word verification! It's blank! How am I going to get verified?

THERE it is. Demena -- I'm too groggy right now to be creative. Sorry

Missy said...

Yes, she named them but we all keep thinking Coconut is called Marshmallow and hardly ever get that name right. Poor Coconut, even now i'm wondering if that's correct.