I can't keep my children in socks that last. I'll buy some that
seem good quality, only to look down 4 months later and see little toes sticking out. I wish I knew how to make plush Irish woolens that got passed down for generations. Does anybody even darn socks anymore?

The way they used to be made.
How we darn them today:
"Darned socks."
If you've found a brand that lasts, please let me know. It's one of those little things in life I'd like to cross off my list.
What do I know? But I do notice that Georgie's socks get those holes if her little pointer toes aren't clipped regularly. They poke right through.
Anyone know how to keep socks matched or how to match them quickly? We have a lot of singles.
I'm being a bubble buster, so read on only if you are up to it! :0)
Ironically, to darn socks means to repair them. :0) My grandmother, who used to make us all wonderful wollen socks, taught me how to darn socks after my youngest brother was born and she got tired of darning all our socks. So, if you'd like to learn the art of darning, I'll teach you and you can repair the whole-y socks you bought. or not.
Roots socks are my favorites for durability (buy them expensive at roots stores or less expensive at winners) although they still only last one winter.
AND - pyrused - used tissue found in ancient egyptian "compolettes".
That was bothereing me, I thought it meant to fix them, but I couldn't be sure. Do YOU think they are worth darning?
Darlene- I take this seriously. Sorting socks slows down laundry and we have enough problems just getting laundry done, right? SO, I buy socks with that thought in mind. Grey for me, tan for Todd, white for Greyson, and colored patterned ones for Tristan, Kiki, and Sawyer.I used to have to sort through WHITE socks for EVERYONE and it drove me crazy. Now I can just grab all of one color and know who they belong to.It is still maddending trying to find the mate for the colored patterend ones though. So now I match up the ones that are obivous and I keep a seperate drawer for all single socks. I'm going to wait a year and if the mates haven't shown up, I'm throwing them all out. Since I've been doing this, about 5 months, I've found several mates, but the salvation is that they are in a seperate drawer so I no longer have to face them everyday and get discouraged that they are hanging out with all the other nicely matched socks. It helps keep my sanity.I LOVE you for asking questions everybody can relate to!I wish you lived up the street.
I wish I had thought of the separate colors when my boys were little. It used to drive me crazy. I'm going to pass this suggestion on to Steven since he's the one doing the laundry for his children now. :(
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