Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Catching Some Air

It's evening. That golden light that makes everything look so good. I took advantage of it and logged the saga of what happens when 4 kids take turns using the bike ramp.

Greyson can usually catch come air.

Unless Daisy's in the way. Abort, abort!

Tristan can do the ramp...

And make a pit stop to help Sawyer. Kicking the front tire is the preferred method to unwhonk the bike frame.

Sawyer's persuasive argument: "YOU should let ME...

ride my bike there. In the street. I'm bigger mom. I can. I can look for cars. I can ride it in the street! I can."

He can't wait to be bigger, these guys have all the fun.


H said...


Hayley Hays said...

I never cease to be fully entertained when I read your blog. Often I'm left laughing till tears stream down my face. Your kids are living the best years of kidlife!!!