Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Lyrics

We don't have broadcast tv in our house, but we rent DVD's in the mail. That way we get to pick exactly what we see, commercials! Even so television isn't my favorite thing for the kids because it's so mesmerizing...

It's hard to compete with that. The last tv series we rented was "Alf". Seemed innocent enough. Then I heard my son singing lyrics from the rock song Alf composed in a recent episode. Sawyer already had this memorized: "You're the one that's out of this world, SWEET BABA (baby)! You're the one that's out of this world! SWEET BABA!" Somehow a four-year-old singing that comes across as less than wholesome. Until I listened a little closer and realized he was actually singing, "You're the one that's out of squirrels, SWEET BABY! You're the one that's ou-out of SQUIRRELS!"
That's a little bit better, anyway.

He's a little embarrassed about getting it wrong.


H said...

that's so so cute!