"MOM, there's a bug in our house! Where's that thing?"
" What thing?"
"That THING... I'll get it."
He means the fly swatter. Wait, we store that WAAAY up high!
"Sawyer, where are you getting the fly swatter from?"
(Yelling from the other room) "I'm not gonna tell you." (Because we keep it WAAAY up high).
Before I can extricate myself from step-number-three-of-Cream-of-Broccoli-Soup,
Sawyer appears brandishing the fly swatter, intent on his mission.
"Mom, I can't get the bug."
"I know, it's really hard to kill a fly, but..."
"Can you do it?"
"I have to finish the dinner first, but could you please stop swinging that thing around?"
"Okay, I'll put it here on the table 'til you're done--"
"ACTUALLY, fly swatters should NEVER go on the table, because they're so...."
"Special?" he suggested.
Things kept WAAAY up high, usually are.
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