Friday, April 4, 2008

You Know You're Too Busy When....

It's dinner time, the timer's beeping, the oven mitts are missing, the chicken is smoking, the water for the potatoes is boiling, the gravy is clumping too fast, and you hear this....

"Mom! Sawyer called me 'stupid'."
"Sawyer, you're not allowed to call Tristan stupid."
"I won't do it again!"
(Tristan taunting in the background) "You're gonna get a spankin'!"
And you don't notice there's silence for awhile because you've found the oven mitts and the chicken can be rescued, and the gravy can be saved and the potatoes are done, and then your son comes in from somewhere and says:

"I washed the stupid out of my mouth, I did, wif soap. It's all gone. See?"

Poor little self-sufficient boy.