Friday, April 4, 2008

Take a Number....

Today is renew your healthcard day! Would you like to see what that looks like? It started off innocently enough, with us tooling along in the van to drop the kid's off at Miss Trisha's house. Apparently we were a little TOO absorbed in our thoughts. A lone voice from the back seat called "Dad.....Dad...?"

"I just saw da place we go to Miss Trisha's house. Back dare...."
Sawyer was the only one that noticed that we had tooled right by our turn. Back dare.

Backtracking just a little, we carried in the schoolwork and waved goodbye to the kids so we could go to this--inviting place....

Although the outside did not scream take-a-number-get-in-line,

The inside did not disappoint us.
I think they achieved the look they were going for here: NEXT!
I trepidaciously snapped this shot, thinking any minute a government official was going to swoop down saying: "You can't DO that in here!". But we got out without incident, and with 2 more years of guaranteed "free" health care. Woohoo.
Now, what were the kids doing back at Miss Trisha's?

Cleaning out her basement! Miss Trisha graciously employed slave labor to get the job done. Everything you see in the picture was carted out by kid-hands.
(All of this being after school, of course)

And then it was time for fun.

Ethan and Tristan were absorbed in Battleship and Mastermind.
Greyson was... absorbed... in computer.

And The Munch was absorbed in building his own Lego race track.
"See, it goes here, and here."
"Like dis".
All in all, not a bad day.