Monday, March 22, 2010

That's Not a Good Sign


For those of you who've been looking for The House of Miscellaneous and Unidentifiable Items, we've found it for you.  It's straight ahead.


Betsy said...

That doesn't mean, Home School Ahead?

Missy said...

That's it! You've figured it out for us!

4HMom said...

it hit me right away as a "library ahead" sign. but that's the FIRST time I've had an instant understanding of what one of the signs could be. The last one somebody posted from Canada, which really looked like it might be saying there was opportunity for bowling ahead, still wakes me up giggling. I guess it was trying to say people might be running into streets after balls.

"essifro" - People were lined up to have their new do styled by Essi at the grand opening of her salon downtown.

Missy said...

We drive by it every time we go to the states and at 50 mph it is indistinguishable. When I got out and took a picture, we both agreed we still didn't know what it meant. But once I got it on the blog I instantly thought "library". Too bad it doesn't read that way for passing motorists.

4HMom said...

Hahaha! I was standing several feet away from the computer when Hunter was reading this post and the sign DOES look like a building full of haphazard miscellaneous junk!

"poutives" -- chives grown specifically to sprinkle on pouteen (sp?).

Betsy said...

I'm gonna go git me an EssiFro!!!

4HMom said...

To Betsy: You go, girl.