Should she wait on Daddy to get his tools out and build a new cage?
Or should she take the matter into her own hands?
Is now a rabbit run.
With a boys' side...
And a girls' side.
Squirt bottles come in handy when there's a scuffle to break up. Shiloh, our black and white lop, hasn't taken to Scooter, our gray grandpa, but a few episodes with the squirt bottle changed Shiloh's mind.
I don't know how bunnies decide who they want to be friends with. Our brown and white bunny, Charlie, gets along with everyone. You can see here that he and Scooter are the best of friends, while Shiloh sets sullenly by. Maybe he doesn't want to share Charlie?
I feel like I'm back in 3rd grade at recess.
And, let's see...what else is going on in the backyard?
Oh. Here's Tristan.
Remember when you could do this and no one would question it? Try it as an adult and suddenly you're weird.
I miss being a kid.
REALLY cute post. Love the observation that seeing a kid doing what Tristy was doing doesn't make you wonder.
Also, tell Kiki I am SOOOO impressed with the thought that she put into building that bunny run.
the word that came up just AFTER my comment was posted was too good to pass up. . . so i'll post again just for this.
"flatedo" - yeah, he was dishonorably discharged because he was goofing around one day to entertain his buddies when he tried to launch a frisbee from one of the bomb silos on the submarine.
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