Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How to Use a Baseball Bat

Get a firm grip.

Because we all know what can happen...

When you're trying to free frozen animals.

And if a bat won't work...

A stick can usually do the trick.

I'm suddenly reminded...

It's a delicate operation, and it's time to call in Stage 3.

And when your kid comes in and says "Mom, I have to fill this with really hot water.."
You don't ask questions.

Because there's always a good reason.

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeee,  just in time for spring frolicking! Scampering! And general springtime scuttling!


Suddenly, Tristan thought if he had freed one animal with hot water, spraying it haphazardly around the yard was bound to yield more.

And uncharacteristically for a hair-brained idea, it worked!

"What--what just happened to me?"
"Welcome to the herd.  Get used to it buddy, this is as good as it gets."