Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You Know You're Ugly When...

I've never been a natural beauty.  I have some friends that look as fresh-faced without makeup as they do with it.  But when I don't put on my makeup people tend to say,
"Are you okay?"
Makeup does a LOT for me.
Today I had to make a trip over the border into America to see an allergist.  I could have seen one here, but it would have taken a couple of months.  I've been feeling sick, and I had no energy this morning to do my hair OR my makeup.  I pulled up to the border crossing and the agent took my passport. He held it up next to my face and said, "I have a hard time believing this is you,"  not realizing he'd just given me the biggest slam a woman could receive.  But I was at my worst so I just accepted it as the truth.  I've had a hard time believing my own face lately when I look in the mirror.  If I'd had my makeup kit with me I could have whipped it out then and there and blown his mind away, I imagine.
While he was thinking stolen passport, suspected criminal activity, I was thinking, I knew I should have done my eyes...
I put on my best smile.
"Are you okay?" he responded.
I said, "Well, I am going to see a doctor."
"Well, you don't look well enough to drive."
"Really?"  I said.
"Well, I am on medication."
"Well, you look like you could pass out and I don't want you to get hurt."
"I'm serious." he said with a grave expression.
I was at a loss. I'd never been held up at the border before, I feebly offered the only thing that came to mind...
"I've made it this far."  (Did I just say that?)
There was a slight pause as I held my breath, then he reluctantly handed me my passport and waved me through.

Morale of the story:  Never, ever, do yourself up good for a passport photo, or at the very least, do your eyes before crossing the border.


H said...

No WAY! People ask me if I'm sick when I don't wear eye makeup.

Missy said...

He really didn't think it was me in the photo. He kept quizzing me on my information.

4HMom said...

Wow. Yep, they always ask me if I'm feeling okay when I'm without makeup, too.

We knew it, didn't we? We've always said that either of us could win a makeover contest simply because our "before" photos would be sooooo hideous. Call us the pale-lipped, blotchy/pale- complexioned,invisible-lashed sisters who are VERY grateful for lipstick, foundation and mascara!!!

"hancyco" - Sisters Harriet and Nancy were really excited about the name they settled on for their new business.