Sunday, March 14, 2010

When Typos Make SEnse

I've never been a very good typist. I can still hear the drills Mr. Shuffleburger made us do in 7th grade--asdf space  jkl;--and I can type without looking, fingers flying. But if I left my emails completely uncorrected you'd see they are even worse than what shows up in your inbox.  Lately, a few of my mistakes could have passed for real words.
When talking about my mom's heart condition that has to be controlled before she can go into surgery I said, "She has to get her heart murmur under control with medication or it could cause a stork in the operating room."
When making a list of party foods for Todd via email I typed:
  Super bad ruggles  (big bag of ruffles potato chips)

and for a post on breakfast I typed:
Bluberry muffins?  (I was all out of blubber, so substituted bacon fat, instead) shedder shedder, which is another typo because i meant to type, shudder-shudder  but you could use those terms interchangeably, because shedding does make me shudder if it's left all in one pile on a surface meant for humans.