Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's Starting....

This is what spring looks like here. 
No daffodils.
No tulips.
Just, the crocus.

Wait, Tristan found a purple one.

With the yellow one, that makes two.

Two crocuses. Croci?
We're so deprived here, after living in 7 feet of snow.  
It doesn't take much to make us happy.


Betsy said...

One crocus....

one robin....

one bee.....

can start a spring....

you'll see!

Joan Walsh Anglund

odermoui - I have odor....I should have used Dial. Don't you wish everybody did?

Missy said...

How do you remember those! I love your poems. I wish I had them at hand to recite to the kids when it came up.
I remember that Dial commercial,lllll.