The weather in Canada is about a month behind y'all. The trees look like this right now. And when the trees are budding, it's the perfect time to go to the bike park....
We are observing more than older brother skating, and younger brother biking...
We are about to witness an upset in the balance of power.
Sawyer is always last, because he is the baby.
But not today.
Today the tide has turned.
And he can't believe it.
It feels good to win.
It's all okay with Tristan, though.
Because half way around the track, he found the perfect prop to double as a rifle.
Who knew broken fishing poles were there for the asking, at the bike park?
So being the one with the cool new 'gun', he is now back on top.
It's a delicate balance, but cool guns trump just about everything else.
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