Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blueberry Muffins to Die For...

I have the coolest muffin book. But somebody in the bookstore wanted a blueberry muffin recipe so badly that they stole it. Ripped it right out of the book! I discovered this after several weeks of ownership.
Needless to say I felt ripped off. did i just say that?

It was too late to take the book back, so I've been blueberry muffin-less all these years.

I've tried different recipes from the Internet, but nothing seemed to capture what I was looking for.

I found it today. By accident. I say this because I don't know enough about baking to create my own recipe. I had to combine 3 recipes and hope it turned out.
Boy, did it turn out.
If you are a baker, or have been blueberry muffinless too, I can send you the recipe. They'll look a lot better than these. (Our muffin pan is sticking now. wah.) And they'll taste golden, and rich, and you'll see grandma in her apron with a wooden spoon when you make them.