He wanted to earn some money.

Pulling Dandelions was a good idea.
Sawyer didn't cozy up to the idea so much. But he did hold the bag for Tristan.
We have a Dandelion Dilema. They've outlawed all herbicides where we live, but people still use them. We don't want the poison on our lawn, so we don't use the outlawed herbicides.
So it's a sea of dandelions for us, but NOT for our neighbors. Can you see at the very top of this photo, the picture perfect lawn of the neighbor across the street?
I wonder if they stare out their windows at our dandelion sea and curse us of an evening?
Over tea?
Tristan pulled a bagful, and got 50 cents for doing it.
Sawyer got 2 dimes and promptly lost one of them in the grass,
our kids don't have poison on their bare feet,
and soon Daddy will be able to mow the unsightly dandelion sea into oblivion.
We did try to get an organic gardener to come and help the situation last year,
but he ended up planting and treating our lawn with whatever dandelions like best. They came up like weeds. So now the neighbors think we're crazy because we planted them on purpose.
Par for the course--"those crazy Americans".
Green is pretty...but ALL GREEN...not so much! I think of dandelions as "wild flowers". They add color to an otherwise boring lawn. :)
I agree with Cherie. Do I dare say that I think the pictures look really pretty?
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