But here he is.
A home schooled kid's lunchroom is the family kitchen. He doesn't worry about who to sit by, or what mystery meal is being served.
I guess maybe in my house he does.
But back to the real lunchroom, this is his end-of-year basketball awards "banquet".
The city got to use the high school gym for the season too, so why not the lunchroom? Makes sense. And I got to see my kid eat across from other kids.
And get handed a trophy.
A last place trophy.
These days they get a trophy for last place, but I bet you all knew that.
I think it makes first place not mean so much.
I would have given Greyson his own trophy, for how he played all year. It really didn't matter to me if his team won or lost. I just went to see him play.
It thrilled my soul.
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