This Mother's Day gift was not intentional, but it ended up being a real treat--
Todd's back was still not quite up to snuff this morning, so that left just enough room in the van for visiting Heather and Georgie to come to church with all of us.
Why would we take a baby to church to watch her when she could be watched at home by Uncle Todd?
And why wouldn't Sawyer stay home and play with her?
And why, after church, would we run home when Todd said to go out to eat and enjoy ourselves? A phone call confirmed he could put Georgie to bed, and yes, we should not feel guilty to linger over a meal at a real restaurant.
So we did.
And quite by accident, two moms had a peaceful, uneventful lunch with the oldest kids, while the two youngest of the troop played happily at home.
It didn't make us sad to be apart, because we knew we'd soon be right back in the fray, with CAKE, no less. And Cake makes the fray even more wonderful than a fray is.
Don't you love the bustle of a busy, happy family when guests are in the house?
I remember the last time we visited the restaurant, Sawyer was with us and he kept looking sideways at a particular sign. Finally he asked me--
"Mom, what do those words say?"
When I turned to see what he was looking at I saw this lady:

Sawyer continued: "She looks scary to me."
"Just don't look at her," I offered hopefully.
"My eyes make me look at her." he said helplessly.
And I knew exactly what he meant.
So today I was lucky enough to capture the scary sign lady on film and deliver her to you.
I'd scribbled down the Sawyer quotes on March 27 in my agenda, hoping I'd be able to come to the restaurant another day and finish the story.
Thank you, my darling husband, for making that possible today. And thank you for the accidental break. And thank you for giving me 4 incredible children, that I can write down quotes about.
Here's a romantic parting thought for all of you Dads to say to your wonderful wives today:
"My eyes make me look at you."
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