Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's So Fascinating?

Something is phenomenal enough to draw them from all corners of the house.

I'll give you a hint.....

It produces this.

Is it odd that watching Daddy work a paper shredder can be that wondrous?

Not when you consider the context that Solar System Bingo was the second most exciting thing that happened.

It was a rainy day.
But I'm using that as an excuse. This really is who they are.
And I love it.


Betsy said...

Simple pleasures are the best. All the little things that make you smile and glow. All the things you know. Life's simple pleasures are the best, are the best, in all the world, simple pleasures are the best!

If I was with you, I'd sing it to you...

(can you hear me?)

Missy said...

I CAN hear your voice. Betsy has the prettiest voice. Like Sleeping Beauty.

Betsy said...

Yeah, it'll put you to sleep!