Did you know that God refers to Himself as the God of perseverance and encouragement? (Rom 15:5)
Exhibit A:
It was after dinner, the little ones needed bathing and putting-to-bed, the kitchen needed cleaning, and the older ones needed schoolwork checked.
I was thumbing through page after page that I needed to correct and felt myself sliding into a Homeschool Valley.
Mother's of homeschoolers should not be required to do anything else, I reasoned.
Don't we make brazen ridiculous statements when we're in the flesh and overwhelmed?
Then He stepped in.
The first paper I corrected was Kiki's English assignment and I'll share it with you:
Instructions: Using a favorite Psalm, begin writing a poem about it.
O, Lord you know my thoughts;
And what I shall speak,
You know more than I know,
And what I shall seek
You know my every move;
And You know what lays before me,
You even know my past
And You laid Your life down for me.
You know when I lie down,
And You know when I rise up,
You gave me your fountain of life,
And I drink it from Your cup.
Lord, You told me in the bible,
That I have to be born again.
Thank you for sending Jesus,
To save me from my sin.
That was it.
All I needed.
I rallied again and went on correcting papers with a singing heart, SO glad I had the privilege of being their teacher, and had the inside scoop on their little brains.
Thank You Lord!
That was just beautiful, Kiki!!!
Job well done!
My word verification is: pring
What happened to the capital "S"?
They didn't ask Kiki to proofread it first, that's what!
Kiki's GOOD at poetry! And our God is SOOOO good at encouraging us to persevere!
"ingeo" - Short talk answer to home-school-mom's question, "Now, where were we?"
This brought a smile on a day when I've felt a bit overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing it!
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