Remember when Sawyer was learning to get good at his bike? Remember when he needed training wheels?
We took them off recently when it got warm, probably around April 1st. So it's been two weeks and he's doing this now....
He's that kind of boy. He doesn't wonder if he can do it, he expects he can do it.
And if he's never been told he can't do it then he believes he has free license.
I can see this leading to a lot of predicaments.
And hair pulling.
And 911 calls.
It thrills and scares me at the same time.
I can try to teach him wisdom but with this kind of boy I've almost got to be able to come up with every scenario I can think of and post a rule:
Don't put soda in your hair
Don't stand on top of the car
Telephone wires are not Tarzan vines
Sewers are not caves
I thought we led adventurous lives-- then God gave us a Sawyer.
I'm so glad he is wearing a helmet! Todd once broke his wrist while biking...maybe wrist guards are in order??
and knee pads, and a neck brace.
What a fun boy to have around! He'll keep you young and laughing.
"hesse" - the nest of hair and debris that can be removed from the tiny screens on the motors of hairdryers by scratching said screens with the pointed end of a ratcomb.
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