We made Grandma Iny's Prune Cake today. It looked like this one that Pioneer Woman made.
But then we ate half of it.
I was glad there was still half left so I could serve it to Trish when she came this afternoon.
But someone decided we were done with the cake, so what was the harm in scooping off the good part? The soaked in sugar part?
Trish thinks my kids are adventurous because they keep doing things like destroying the leftover halves of cakes.
I think there is something missing in my parenting. I should not have to protect leftover cake from being gorged to death. My kids should KNOW. Trisha's kids wouldn't dare touch cake remains.
I think I might just know what the problem is....
Remember last July when they ate wedding cake off of the sidewalk?
And then were allowed to do this?
It's the blurred line between what's appropriate and what's not appropriate. That kind of wisdom comes with time.
By the time they are grown they should know the difference between sidewalk-eating-cake and breakfast-eating-and-saving-half-for-later cake. If I've accomplished this in my parenting, I will have done well.
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