What do you do when YOU have a migraine? You can pick more than one: .Take Advil .Go to bed .Drink caffeine .Stay away from light .Squeeze your head in a garlic press .I don't get migraines or .something else and please tell us in a comment.....
I used to think coffee helped...WRONG! I have to stay away from light, take Advil, go to bed and if that doesn't help,the garlic press is a last resort.
NOTHING helps mine but I do take advil anyway. it never helps. so tell me if you find a good cure.
actually a recent doctor gave me a prescription for anti-nausea meds that make you really sleepy. You take it each night before bed for 30 days and you're supposed to not have migraines anymore. He said it helps all his migraine patients. I haven't started it yet but I'm curious to see if it will help!
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Quote of the Moment
I dare say, angels' pens, angels' tongues; nay, as many worlds of angels as there are drops of water in all the seas, and fountains, and rivers of the earth, cannot paint him out to you." - Samuel Rutherford
Oh, Missy! Do you have a migraine today? They are the worst.
Dennis gets them these days and takes Zomig. It is like magic!!
I got migraines for 6 months after Joe died. I was so glad when they subsided.
Hope you are feeling better real soon!
thank you, thank you! dear Betsy.
I used to think coffee helped...WRONG! I have to stay away from light, take Advil, go to bed and if that doesn't help,the garlic press is a last resort.
So sorry you get migraines.
NOTHING helps mine but I do take advil anyway. it never helps. so tell me if you find a good cure.
actually a recent doctor gave me a prescription for anti-nausea meds that make you really sleepy. You take it each night before bed for 30 days and you're supposed to not have migraines anymore. He said it helps all his migraine patients. I haven't started it yet but I'm curious to see if it will help!
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