I am woefully behind on laundry.
But Sawyer is helping.
He picked up every last speck out of the dryer.
(I have NO idea what that is)
And when the load proved too heavy to carry, he resorted to scooting it.
All the way down the hall,
past Daisy....
To the sorting area.
Which, you may notice, is my bed.
And which, you may also notice, is not made.
Now doesn't that make you feel better about your own house?
And I'll let you in on another little secret--
Sawyer's prime motivation is to get to the tiger suit that's in the bottom of that basket.
He's been asking regularly to get it washed.
That basket was holding strange-articles-of-clothing-I-found-in-the-toy-room.
I don't reserve a place in my laundry schedule for strange-articles-of-clothing-I-found-in-the-toy-room.
So he had to wait a looooong time.
This story has a sad ending. When I helped him to sort the laundry we realized it was still damp, because the dryer door has a new trick. It pops open and stops the load. Damp laundry= stinky laundry=stinky tiger suit.
So back into the laundry room it goes. Poor, stinky-tiger-suitless boy.
I've got 5 loads of much needed clothes to wash, but I'm putting stinky-tiger-suit and the strange-articles-of-clothing it contaminated, back into the washing machine now.
Little Scooter Boy earned it.
He certainly did!
You're a good Mom!!
Sawyer probably found a little speck of tissue that was left in someone's pocket. Don't you hate when that happens...especially with a load of darks?
YES. Once we had a whole diaper go through the wash!
I LOVE that scooter boy and his darling face.
will just washing do it,or do you have to use oxy-clean or vinegar to kill the stink?
calti is my word. Can't think of anything this time. Sorry.
I'm LOADING it with Oxi-clean. Six scoops, I hope it works.
When my kids were babies, we had CLOTH diapers...so they HAD to go through the wash. What yucky, stinky memories of laundry day!
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