"Can you make lots of waffles, lots and lots?"
"How many can you eat?" I asked.

Tristan thought seven.
And isn't that an unfortunate landing of the straw? Could've been a nice picture.
Greyson thought 10.
We don't like those glasses. He's getting new ones.

And Sawyer thought TEN as well.
We ran out of maple syrup. A curious thing happens in the stores around this time in Canada. The new crop of maple syrup is in, so someone, and I'd love to know WHO, takes all the old cans off the shelf and puts the new season's maple syrup out.
It's more expensive.
And it's only available in "clear".
I've been told that clear is a ripoff because it's less concentrated.
But it's sold for more $$'s!
What happens to all the old, cheaper, medium amber cans?
I'd buy them all up, if I could only remember they are going to disappear around April 3rd-ish.
OH. All that to say---
We made our own syrup out of brown sugar, water, and vanilla.
And of course, just like a kid, everyone liked it better.
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