I've been keeping my eyes open for about 15 years for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. I've probably tried 20-30 over the years, which isn't really a lot, considering how many recipes are out there. The perfect cookie to me has to have an initial crispy crunch on the outside, but a dense chewy texture on the inside. It has to be golden, not pale, with hint of caramel flavor from the brown sugar, and NOT flatten out like a pancake. (Did you know the moisture content of dark brown sugar can flatten your baked good? Aren't you glad you know now? Doing a little dance).
It also has to have a crackly top because crackly tops are inviting--"sit down and have a snack!"
And after all of that, the cookie still has to taste good after sitting a day in the cookie jar.
I'm asking for a lot, aren't I?
Well, I found it!
But I don't think I can blog it because it's an altered version of a recipe already claimed by another author.
So I'm giving it away---
All you have to do is leave a comment naming the picture above. I like Haj's idea of drawing names from a hat. I'll live draw and name the winner Wed. morning. Then I'll email you The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. What you do with it from there is up to you. But I'll tell you, your life will never be the same.
i want it!
Hajah didn't name the photo! Is she still in the competition? My caption for the photo is, "A trick my friend Yoda taught me -- see if YOU can do it."
"glumma" - the underbaked play-doughy substance you won't find in the center of the cookies you will bake with the recipe Missy is giving away.
That's right! Technically, Haj needs to name the photo! Or maybe, "I want it!" was her try?
Cece, your definitions are cracking me up. I like "coing". lllllllllll
I'm calling it "The dance of joy", because I think he just had a taste of that perfect chocolate chip cookie!
"skeries"...those bad dreams you have after watching a skerie movie.
"levitation ohm"
i desperately want this recipe
That is obviously the 4th step in the chocolate chip cookie dance. Anyone could tell you that ;)
I would love a good recipe. I had one when I was a kid, that was my mothers from a really old Betty Crocker cookbook, but the page was used so many times it fell out and now none of us can remember the recipe (which is different from the current cookbook)
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