Thursday, April 30, 2009

Animal Rhymes


It's warm enough for Popsicles outside.
Greyson already had his.

Want one?

You can't have mine.

I bet you can't hang with one hand.

Yes I can.
Big sister is fulfilling her job of proving little brother wrong.
It's an important role.

Two hands is just fine for Sawyer.
Uh, Sawyer,
you've got something on your face, there...


Cure For What Ails' Ya

At the next World Summit Meeting, everyone should get an 8x10 copy of this,
and the aroma of warm chocolate chip cookies should be piped into the meeting room.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This Only LOOKS Like a Bunch of Junk....

It's a dinosaur graveyard, and watering hole.

Complete with a whirlpool bath.

Tristan designed it.


I was wondering where all of our bowls were disappearing to!

Roll Model

He wants it so badly.

Because he's seen this....

and this.

So he tries.

Oh, how he tries.

Will it make it?

holding breath....


Mostly because of....


It's the satisfying swish of the ends justifying the means.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Screaming Contest

There's something Dr. Suess-ish about that last one.

Double Decker Nap

Self Sufficient

Somebody was clinking around in the kitchen early this morning. Somebody was busy making breakfast.

Little Blessing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lost Another One

The problem with having lots of animals--
is that you lose lots of animals.
McKenna enjoyed these rats for several years and their passing was graced with as many tears.
Daddy was the one who discovered the news. Not knowing quite how important a mere rat can be, Daddy informed McKenna of the passing much like he might announce someone was at the door--
"Kikiiiii! Tilly's dead." he called down the hall.
This did not go over well.
So to make up for it, he wrote a song about Tilly and Lilly and performed it for a soothed-hearted girl.

What's In The Backyard?


What are you doing, Sawyer?

"I'm making a restaurant."

Yes. I can see that now.

Tristan found the mustard.
And a handy stove burner that used to have a job as a lawn sprinkler.
It's these hard times. You take whatever job you can get.

Last year's stove was dilapidated.

So it was switched out for this new one.

I wish my real kitchen was as easy to fix as Sawyer's.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where It Goes

I've been parking on the street so the kids have the run of the driveway.

I love finding things like this.


Just-born bunnies are delicate creatures. Newborns must be kept together in a nest or they will die from exposure within minutes. The mother will not make this happen, it's up to the owner. But sometimes the owner misses it too.

Coconut gave birth without any of us knowing.
Off schedule.
And we had to have a burial for the babies.
Tristan made a tombstone.

Then corrected the misspelled words.

Then spent a moment in silence.

Then finished it off with a marker.
Like our tomatoes and our lettuce.

Sawyer contributed too.

He worked on it.

And worked on it.

And worked on it.

And worked some more.

And finally revealed---
"The Bunnies."
He kept it simple.


Soon the rabbits will have a repaired run.

Soon the boys will have the firewood out of the garage,

And stacked beside the house.

Soon Sawyer will learn that a pouty-face will not get him out of work.

Hot Enough to Stay Inside...

We are a very fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants family when it comes to what we're gonna do for fun.

Which is why we are inside playing a board game when it's perfect weather outside.

Tristan had been asking to play for two days.

He has to help Sawyer, because Sawyer can't read yet.

Sawyer doesn't know there is reading involved. He thinks it's a game about holding and putting down cards.
And he loves it.
Because it makes him one of the guys.

I betcha I can snap this same picture 20 years from now.
Don't you love family?