"Are these inside-out mom?" he asked.
I looked at the slippers and they fit just fine and he had them on right.
"No, those are the way they are supposed to be." I answered.
"But they won't slide!" he said confusedly, rubbing the non-skid soles.
The only slippers Tristan has ever known look like this:

They were hand knitted from yarn by a dear friend and happened to be delightfully slippery on our wood floor. Tristan got his first "slippers" several years ago and has used the succeeding sizes every year for loads of slippery fun. That's what he thought slippers were made for.

So so funny! Kiki had that mistaken assumption too, right? Remember when my family got her Winnie-the-Pooh slippers for her birthday and she was scared to where them because she thought they would make her slip and fall? :)
Like sister like brother.
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