Thursday, July 3, 2008

Another Muffin Mishap.....

It happened. I'd been wondering if I'd ever make the mistake, and now I have.
I keep my salt in a wide-mouth pint sized container for easier measuring spoon access. (Have I lost you non-bakers as this point?). I keep my sugar in a similar container, only gallon sized. Most people would never mistake a pint for a gallon. One is small, one is HUGE. But, if you're a MOM, and if you are thinking about the lovely day you are going to have taking the kids to a new library for a craft adventure, then perhaps you might find yourself sprinkling peanutbutter muffins with the perfect touch of salt crystals all over their unbaked tops. I sprinkled every single one. And I even thought, wow, this sugar is sprinkling so evenly! Then I looked at the container in my hand and thought, "I did it! I made the salt switcheroo mistake!"
I ended up scraping the gooey dough tops off of all the muffins and re-sprinkling with sugar. A little extra sugar to make up for it. I hope it turns out!
I wonder if now that I've crossed that switcheroo bridge, I'll be immune to it from now on?
I'll let you know if the kids eat them. I wish I had a camera to snap their first-bite faces.
Edit: The muffins were edible, depending on which bite you took. The flavor was reminiscent of peanut brittle salty sweetness. If you dunked it in hot chocolate, it mellowed the salty flavor enough to be delicious. The kids did not notice anything was amiss.