Thursday, July 10, 2008

Learned My Lesson

The corn is in! This time of year we can buy nearly all of our produce from roadside stands. First of the season corn showed up today. Last year I bought a whole dozen and they ended up being pasty no-taste corn. Must have been too early or something.
Sawyer still remembers it.
So this year I only bought 6 for a taste test.
It's a tradition to shuck it on the back deck. (Minus Greyson and Tristan, wah)
Is it good this year?
You bet. Crisp sugar corn!
Whoever ate all their soup got to have the last ear....
Tomorrow I'm going back and buying a dozen and a half more to welcome the boys home.
"Daddy, why don't you ever eat your corn on the cob?" asked Kiki.
"I don't like it to get stuck in my teeth" answered Daddy.
"It's worth it!" were Kiki's last words.
I agree.


Hayley Hays said...

I agree with Duncan. We should do a poll.