What else went on at the wedding reception, besides these shenanigans?
Hunter demonstrated how his guitar also doubled as a table.
Kiki showed us how the tables doubled as an obstacle course.
Sandy showed us how she doubled as a stuffed animal model.
Sawyer was pointing his finger at the culprits who dared to pour the ice out of the ice buckets when they cleaned up. He only saw it as a big mess that needed scolding.
Until he saw how it also doubled nicely as a play place.
Why is it that my kids can't leave dirt alone?
Wherever we go.
There's a whole park full of play ground equipment and a bouncy castle. Here they are, in their preferred element.
Looks like you are having a BLAST! Take it all in ... there's nothing like being with family and on vacation at the same time! hehehe! Miss you, but glad to see you are keeping me updated with your blog.
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