Seven kids couldn't fit in the van for church, so Kiki and Lea stayed home and babysat Sawyer. This is what we saw as we drove around the corner coming home...

Meet Magnolia and Calyla. They have a very rich father who's saving all of his money for something special. Then a law comes into effect where everybody has to go to war. Father decides there is no point in saving his money because he's going to die in the war anyway, so he spends it on a very, very, rich and royal kind of orphanage for the two girls...and their dog- Daisy. Somewhere in the story a ball is involved, with a change of ball gowns, two bullies, and two heroes. (Because there were two fancy dresses and 4 boys on hand).

I used the opportunity to snap some reference photos for Todd, but the whole gang was seated at the table waiting to eat macaroni and cheese and calling, "Lea!" "KiiiiiiKiiii!" So it was a rushed job.

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