We haven't been out since a pox fell upon our house. Today we couldn't take it any more and we all piled into the van to go to our new favorite place- the lakeshore. Same place, diff. pics.

Wait! Wait for meeeeeeeeee.

Aren't these ferns cool? If I were a bug I'd want to live here.

I like this picture because Kiki looks like just another boulder.

Sawyer spent his time skippin' along the shore...

A rare still moment.

Another one!

Sawyer and Tristan usually hang out together...

Whoever beats, gets!

Mom, take a cool picture of me here.
They usually scatter like buckshot, sometimes I can get them all together....

Here's Branch, with a kiki in the background.

Greyson as Tom Hanks, in "Castaway".
This is Greyson, just before he steps on that slippery log and falls down.
This is him checking to see if anyone saw him do it. (notice the green slime spot on his seat)

This is Kiki with a stranger in the background ruining the shot.

This is Greyson realizing that the cool tree I asked him to lean up against is full of spider webs.

This is how the day ended after we got home.
i like the "here's a branch" picture. It made me laugh.
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